Price calculator and ordering

Below you can enter your desired order and get a price instantly. If you want to make the order, you can enter your email, phone number and dates and we will contact you as soon as possible with an answer.

Price: DKK 2,500.00 per item.
Robens Klondike Grande. 2 Box mattresses incl. top mattress, 2 duvets/head pillow, linen, covers, carpets, bedside table, lamp and mirror. Incl. set-up and dismantling.
Set up as double tents. If you want a different set-up, please indicate this under remarks.
Price: DKK 200.00 per item.
1 cot, 1 sleeping bag, 1 blanket and pillow.
Price: DKK 300.00 per item.
1 box spring, 1 pillow/duvet, linen and covers.
Price for luxury tents: 0 DKK
Price for A packages: 0 DKK
Price for B packages: 0 DKK
Price for delivery: 0,00 DKK (0 km.)
Note: Your order is only valid once you have received a confirmation from us.